

   A Novel Vehicle Safety Model: Vehicle Speed Controller under Driver Fatigue 

Driver fatigue resulting from sleep deprivation or sleep disorders is an
important factor in the creasing number of accidents on today's roads. In this
paper, we describe a real-time online safety prototype that controls the vehicle
speed under driver fatigue.

The purpose of such a model is to advance a system to detect fatigue
symptoms in drivers and control the speed of vehicle to avoid accidents. The
main components of the system consists of a small camera for real-time
driver’s image acquisition, a nonlinear eye tracking algorithm based on
Unscented Kalman Filter for driver fatigue detection, and an adaptive speed
controller designed using the theory of sliding mode servo control for
providing precise positioning of the throttle valve to control speed of vehicle.

This system was tested adequately in a realistic driving environment with
subjects of different genders, with/without glasses, day/night driving,
commercial/non-commercial drivers, continuous driving time, and under
different road conditions. The last experimental results show the validity of
the proposed model for vehicle speed controller based on driver fatigue

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